The Cooking Class Competition is an exciting event for groups with cooking challenges according to recipes. An event, whether it’s a big event or a small event, requires careful preparation to carry it out. Why is it necessary to prepare? We prepare to prevent unwanted things that lead to an event’s failure. All parties involved in the event must participate in the preparations made for the success of the event. Officers or staff, appointed based on their abilities and skills, are involved with all parties. Preparation is the primary and most crucial thing before carrying out an event.
The Tunjung Boutique Resort is doing the same in preparing for the Cooking Class Competition event on April 22, 2023. This time, the Tunjung Boutique Resort is organizing a cooking class event. The cooking class event is a cooking competition for Balinese specialities. We will divide the participants into several groups. Each group will compete to make delicious Balinese food, and the group that gets the most points will be the winner.
Preparations by The Tunjung Boutique Resort began by checking the event’s location. We will need these tools for the event and for giving directions to the staff involved in this cooking class competition. Rimba Lawn By Ayana will host the cooking class competition with 42 participants.

Preparation For the Cooking Class Competition
After checking the location and preparing the necessary tools, it is complete. The next step is to brief the staff about the Cooking Class Competition. The briefing on the Cooking Class Competition event includes procedures for using good kitchen tools. It also includes communicating appropriately with participants and the staff’s duties during the event. On the other hand, the manager gives directions regarding skills and tasks. This briefing also motivates them to be more enthusiastic about the activities later. The staff involved will become facilitators for the participants so that they can master the cooking class competition. The team must also be able to encourage participants so that other participants become cheerful and happy to participate in this event.
This training expects that we will be able to reduce existing deficiencies. The implementation of this briefing is also to make the staff on duty later become professional staff with the abilities and skills they have to give an excellent impression to the participants of the Cooking Class Competition.